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The Fourth Annual Soundset (2011)

My love for the crowd and my criticism towards emcees

Like all festivals, events and any large gathering, the most interesting thing to watch at Soundset 2011 were the people. Ranging from the majority, punk-ass teenagers, to the older crowd with kids, Soundset grew to over 20,000 people this year.

I don’t know how many of you like to crowd watch as much as I do, but as someone trying to cover the event, most of my time was spent gazing at the mess of fans feelin the vibes off the performers: a majority of acts that many had not heard before and the headliners that brought us all together. As impressive as the headliners were this year, especially De La Soul, I wanna point something out about a few of the other acts […]

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[audio:Wanna-Be-Like-You.mp3|titles=Wanna Be Like You]

Frank Ocean · Swim Good

Bringin back that catchy 90's R&B beats

We’ve all seen, heard and felt the raw vibrations of ODD FUTURE and of course their main play, Tyler the Creator. Based out of LA, they have completely exploded via blogs & Twitter … beauty of it all now, eh Anyway, fellow LA friend, Frank Ocean, is bringing that old school Soul for Real kind of sound back that seems to have been drowned out ever since the dance scene blew up (not hating, just saying).

His beats are seductive – take a listen to another one of his, “Lovecrimes”, which totally vibe hand in hand with his lyrics. This track, “Swim Good”, had me by the balls since the first time I heard it […]

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[audio:Swim-Good.mp3|titles=Swim Good]

Mixes & Mashups of Soundset 2011 Headliners

Whole 'lotta Big Boi, the best De La Soul and some interesting Atmo

Soundset 2011 is right around the corner, so I thought I’d gather the best remixes & mashups of the lineup. Well, I quickly found out that people don’t really mashup underground hip-hop, so I turned to the top three headliners – Atmosphere, Big Boi & De La Soul.

De La Soul had a decent amount, but the good ones weren’t easy to find (e.g. Emancipator’s mash). Big Boi, as expected, had well over any of the others and wasn’t easy to narrow down to seven (yes, it was hard to narrow it to 7!). Lastly, Atmosphere was by far the most difficult to find. I don’t know how in hell […]

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[audio:Trouble-Water-Remix.mp3|titles=Trouble in the Water (De La Soul // Emancipator Blend)]

The Weeknd · Rolling Stone

dude can really hit the high notes

Ooooo! – just in time for the long weekend we get another Weeknd treat. It’s pretty damn safe to assume this is the first single off The Weeknd’s next mixtape, Thursday, which is suppose to be dropping sometime soon… Either way, it’s a fresh tune from the ever sexier Abel.

Also, wanted to point how much the beats make his music. Abel has one smooth voice with just the right grime, but I see too many talented vocalists paired up with the wrong beats. The Weeknd, however, gets it right over & over again. rare. Keep it up.

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[audio:Rolling-Stone.mp3|titles=Rolling Stone]

Chiddy Bang · Guinness Flow

Holding the world record for longest flow

Of course we had to hear some cuts from Chiddy’s Guinness World Record for the longest freestyle rap, coming in at 9 hours, 18 minutes & 22 seconds. I kept up with it for the last half and there were definitely many of those Chiddy witty one liners. Someone should make a damn story out of all those rhymes! ;)

It’s good to see that Chiddy Bang is swellin’ to Status. Can’t wait to hear what’ll be on Peanut Butter & Swelly, which releases this Friday (the 27th) – especially what Xaphoon has in store for us!

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[audio:Guinness-Flow.mp3|titles=Guinness Flow]

Lightning in Your Ear 2011

Presented by The Do LaB

For this year’s Lighting in a Bottle Festival, another Lighting in Your Ear compilation rolls out to help support the Critical Beats charity. The charity is “a united effort to preserve our most critical environmental resources” through current music inspirations.

The compilation is a healthy 17-track display of the talent coming this year to the Lighting in a Bottle Festival. It seems to be a mix of electro-swag from Pretty Lights to Beats Antique, but also dips into that melodramatic female driven indie rock sound (or whatever you wanna call it). You can pick it up over on Bandcamp, support it in any way you can […]

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[audio:Gold-Coast-Hustle.mp3|titles=Gold Coast Hustle]

Requiem for a Dream (Andy’s iLL Dub Fix)

Original score composed by Clint Mansell

Of all drugged out compositions to dubstep, Requiem for a Dream has to make the top bill (pill). Andy’s Ill dub fix gets right to the root of the “problem” and makes this an ever better beat to get fucked up to.

I need to see more scores get dubstepped… someone do a Hans Zimmer, there’s gotta be a few out there… What famous score would you like to see dubstep’d

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[audio:Requiem-For-A-Dream-Remix.mp3|titles=Requiem for a Dream (Andy’s Ill Dub Fix)]

Damu The Fudgemunk ·· Spare Time

featuring Raw Poetic, Kev Brown, Insight & even a little Guru.

Yes, I know this is a little dated, but that “Colorful Storms” remix caught my attention and had to give it more play. I checked out the full album by Damu, Spare Time, and found a few more gems to add.

I’ve been following Damu’s work with Panacea & Y-Society for a while now, but haven’t swooped up his solo shit till now. Half of Spare Time is a bunch of instrumental electro-jazz, but where it really comes to shine is when Damu mixes in a few well versed MC’s. Raw Poetic, Kev Brown, Insight & even a little Guru sample in these four tracks – and shows again why rap was made for jazz (or is it the other way around).

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[audio:Colorful-Storms-Remix.mp3|titles=Colorful Storms (Damu Remix)]

MiMoSA ·· 58 Degrees

This shit screams electro-soul.

First thought that struck my mind when I heard TigranMimosa was “oo, more PL style goodness.” Mimosa doesn’t sound exactly like Pretty Lights, at least compared to others, but each pulls from the most obscure sounds to that electro-heavenliness and constructs something into a rich & healthy composition that defines what electronica is to me. These aren’t just some stale-ass beats taken from free packs off The Pirate Bay, this shit screams soul.

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Bitter:Sweet ·· The Remix Game

Starry-eyed with Shana Halligan's stunning voice

The Remix Game got together a handful of fairly-known electronic artists back in ’07 to remix Bitter:Sweet’s original album, The Mating Game. With one of the sexiest voices I’ve ever heard, Shana Halligan’s vocals layered with these downtempo vibes make this prone to a somber groove with another. Make sure to give the full album a play, but here’s a few of my finest selections.

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[audio:Bittersweet-Faith.mp3|titles=Bittersweet Faith (Thievery Corporation Remix)]