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Mixes & Mashups of Soundset 2011 Headliners

Whole 'lotta Big Boi, the best De La Soul and some interesting Atmo

Soundset 2011 is right around the corner, so I thought I’d gather the best remixes & mashups of the lineup. Well, I quickly found out that people don’t really mashup underground hip-hop, so I turned to the top three headliners – Atmosphere, Big Boi & De La Soul.

De La Soul had a decent amount, but the good ones weren’t easy to find (e.g. Emancipator’s mash). Big Boi, as expected, had well over any of the others and wasn’t easy to narrow down to seven (yes, it was hard to narrow it to 7!). Lastly, Atmosphere was by far the most difficult to find. I don’t know how in hell […]

Check out All the Mix/Mash Goodness »

[audio:Trouble-Water-Remix.mp3|titles=Trouble in the Water (De La Soul // Emancipator Blend)]

Monday Mixer #11 – Dubstep Remixes

A wide variety of tracks chosen by only the best

This week it was my turn to pick/host the Monday Mixer, in which a bunch of blogs get together and each submits a track based on that week’s theme. I decided to go with a “dubstep remix” theme because of my growing interest in dubstep, one I’m still trying to figure out myself.

When I picked the theme, I thought I was going to get a lot of submissions that, honestly, I wouldn’t enjoy. The internet, more specifically SoundCloud, has been plagued by a shitload of beyond ellaborate, gaudy attempts at dubstep. But to my surprise, not only are there a handful of well-chosen, tasteful remixes, but styles of dubstep I haven’t got into myself. From a more downtempo vibe to a Pretty Lights hit, this is a diverse mix that you all better enjoy ’cause I wanna look good for these blogs ;) enjoy!

Check Out Each Blog’s Pick »

[audio:We-Dont-Eat-Remix.mp3|titles=We Don’t Eat (Adventure Club Remix)]

Music that Got Me Blogging About Music (Part 5)

The best of the BEST (of the best)

Going over this five part series, it’s pretty obvious that hip-hop was the kickstart into my fasciation with music. I had a lot of love and appreciation for classic rock back in the day, but never enough to do anything about it. Discovering music in the underground scene made me realize that not all good music gets promoted, and since my monetary support lacked, I thought I could help in another way.

I hope you enjoy each and every artist on here and make sure to support the ones you appreciate in any way possible. We are their future.

To the BEST »

[audio:Visions-Of-U.mp3|titles=Visions of U]

Music that Got Me Blogging About Music (Part 4)

The San Francisco Bay Arrreeeeeaaa

In the music that got me blogging about music series, we’ve gone from the Midwest all the way to Japan and all along the West Coast. Now, we focus on one of the most influential hip-hop areas around, The Bay Area.

As small as The Bay Area is compared to any other area I’ve covered, it’s definitely rich with the best hip-hop around. I could’ve made a top 25 bay area groups, but that would’ve been a little much. This top 5 (or so), however, is some of my favorite hip-hop groups of all time. There’s no doubt that the Bay Area is the heart of my hip-hop listening.

View Full Article »

[audio:Lady-Dont-Tek-No.mp3,If-I-May.mp3|titles=Lady Don’t Tek No,If I May]

Tron Legacy Remixes // Not the Reconfigured

My top three picks and a bunch of "Derezzed" RMX's

A few weeks back I heard the Tron Legacy Reconfigured album with some of the most respected artists in the electronic scene. A few of the tracks were redone even better than their original, but the album as a whole was a little disappointing. Mostly because I hyped it up so much, but also because the talent didn’t stack up to their name. So I dug around SoundCloud, The Hype Machine and a few blogs to find some remixes that competed with the Reconfigured.

Well, I found three tracks that I really enjoyed and a bunch of “Derezzed” remixes – definitely the most remixed choice. I gotta say, scrounging around for remixes to Daft Punk’s stellar soundtrack gave me a little more respect for the Reconfigured. There’s a lot of shit remixes out there and although the Reconfigured may not have blown Daft Punk away, they still gave a quality switch to Daft Punk’s electro-masterpiece.

Anyways, check out the remixes I uncovered and hit me up with what you think. If you found any better, I’ll make sure to post those up, as well! + if some of you hit us up with your opinions, I’ll bundle all of the MP3’s together for d/l.

Check out the tracks »

[audio:End-Of-Line-Meridian.mp3|titles=End of Line (Meridian Remix)]

Music that Got Me Blogging About Music (Part 3)

Overseas - from London to Japan

We’re half way through the “Music that Got Me Blogging About Music” and it’s only up hill.. down hill.. get’s better from here. So far we’ve covered Midwest hip-hop, West Coast hip-hop, and now we’re going International!

In this portion we will be covering groups from abroad and, not surprisingly, are all from genre’s other than hip-hop (unlike the other sections). This portion was only going to have four artists covered, the final list (my top five) took the best one from here, but I decided to add one because a few of his songs were very influential in my current music tastes (like every other artist on here).

So check ’em out and drop some feedback in the comments below. Also, prepare for The Bay Area next week!!

Check out the International Goodness »

[audio:Knee-Deep.mp3|titles=Knee Deep (feat. Alice Russell & Jim Oxborough)]

Music that Got Me Blogging About Music (Part 2)

All along the West Coast (minus The Bay)

In the second installment in our “Music that Got Me Blogging About Music” series (first), we’re going to be covering most of the West Coast. The only part we’re not is The Bay Area, which’ll be covered in Part 4 (out of 5). In Part 2, however, we’ll be going from the Pacific Northwest all the way down to SoCal.

The SoCal picks you may know, if you know your West Coast hip-hop, but my Pacific Northwest choices are some of my most prized. Take a look at ’em and tell me what you know, I bet you’ll find something you’ve never heard before – and if you don’t, hit me up, I may have a blogging gig for ya.

Check ’em Out »

[audio:The-Elixer.mp3|titles=The Elixer]

SoundCloud Favorites from 2010

Comprised mostly of Remixes, Mashups & Dubstep

I’m a SoundCloud fanatic. Not only do they have a shitload of good DJ/producers, but the site is also designed to help you find the music you like (it’s the small things that matter). Yea, it’s still overcrowded with dubstep, remixes and mashups – I mean, look at all the choices here – but more & more types of artists are uploading their tracks everyday.

To pay tribute to my SoundCloud fanaticism and the lovely people who are to blame, I decided to throw up my favorites of 2010. Now, I’ve only been prowling around there for maybe six months, so don’t expect EVERY banger to be up on here (make sure to tell me which ones I missed). Also, if I’ve posted a SoundCloud track on here already, it won’t […]

To THE List »
[audio:Bobs-Ass.mp3|titles=BOB’s Ass (Outkast Vs Deadmau5 – Electro Dance Mix)]

Music that Got Me Blogging About Music (Part 1)

The Midwest - with a little East Coast & Florida mixed in

I decided to compile a list of 25 artists that I discovered (or rediscovered) in college and was the driving force to get this music blog up and running. The list is broken into five categories – Midwest/East Coast hip-hop, West Coast hip-hop, International/non hip-hop music, Bay Area hip-hop and finally my top five. I plan on posting one per week for the next five weeks (each Sunday), but you know how that goes. Make sure to stay tuned in.

For the first part I decided to go with the Midwest because that’s where I’m from. Unfortunately, my Midwest & East Coast influences are lacking on this list, probably because I went to college in Arizona, heavily influenced by the West Coast. Anyways, I think you’ll enjoy these six musicians from the heart of America – some you may know and some you’ll get to know (you better!) […]

Check out the Midwest’s best »

[audio:Denvemolorado.mp3,Flex.mp3,Beat-It-Loose.mp3,Mission-Statement.mp3,Neva-Antiquated.mp3,Teach-The-World.mp3|titles=Denvemolorado,Flex,Beat It Loose,Mission Statement,Neva Antiquated,If I Could Teach the World]

Ellie Goulding DUBSTEP Remixes

Never knew Ms. Goulding could get so grimey

Goulding has got a damn sexy voice, as we all know, but pair it up with some top notch dubstep RMX’s and ya got trip-hop’s worst nightmare unleashed. When I first started searching for Ellie Goulding dubstep remixes, I didn’t think there would be this many well done, but there were, all with their own flavor.

Enjoy ’em as much as I did putting ’em together. If you have any other Goulding’s gone dubstep, make sure to hit ’em up in the comments below.

Thoughts on the Individual Tracks »

[audio:Lights-Bassnectar.mp3,Your-Song-Blackmill.mp3,Lights-WIRED.mp3,Black-Gold-Slick-Werk.mp3,Under-The-Sheets-Jacobs.mp3,Starry-Eyed-Jakwob.mp3|titles=Lights (Bassnectar Remix),Your Song (Blackmill Dubstep Remix),Lights (WIRED Dubstep Remix),Black and Gold (Slick Werk Dubstep Remix),Under the Sheets (Stephan Jacobs Remix),Starry Eyed (Jakwob Remix)]