I am way too goddamn late to the BG party. I haven’t given them the needed time they deserve, but I promise you all that will change.
In the second single released off their upcoming album, “Nocturnal” is a heavy electro beat with melodies that could string a ray (I just like how it sounded). Best of all, it’s sprinkled with that brass instrument I love too much, especially when it’s incorporated into electronica. You know, that saxy one ;) ;) Have at it and make sure you check out the first single, “Rise and Shine,” if you haven’t.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/29317183" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]Inspired by our Dubstep Remixes of Rock Classics, this time around we’re taking our favorite 80’s & 90’s video games and coiling the shit out of ’em with style. It originally started out as just general remixes of video game themes, but after compiling the majority of them, it turned out to be mainly dubstep. Unfortunately, that led to a few good remixes getting cut for now, most notably a favorite hip-hop Mario mashup of mine.
I tried my darndest to get the most memorable classics – such as Zelda, Sonic, Mario and a few other noteworthy – but couldn’t manage to find quality ones for a few. There are just so many damn dubstep remixes out there and most of ’em are complete shit – it’s one of the fastest emerging genres, so there’s bound to be a lot of people hoppin’ on the bandwagon. However, I did manage to come up with 8 solid remixes, so help us come up with the rest and I’ll make sure to give up some cool prizes!! First off, “Hip-Hop Remixes of Video Game Classics”.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/13394501" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]VOODOOOOOOOOO, got so damn excited when you popped up on my SC recent arrivals.
In his latest, Voodoo Farm throws in a barrage of heavy hitter MC’s from back in the day. From Biggie to 2Pac to Big L, each lies down for a few with the darling White Stripes gal, Meg. I don’t know if I’m feeling her as much as I’d like in this, but it’s a small price to pay for this behemoth of a track. Oh, and forget the MP3, the video is well worth the watch.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/29307285" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]Okay, first things first, there will never be another Endtroducing. Even if you cloned DJ Shadow and went back in time, the album that has been both his calling card and the proverbial Albatross around his neck still sounds as groundbreaking today as it did 15 years ago.
Every artist worth talking about has their moment, that one perfect moment where their album strikes a chord with the world. Led Zeppelin had Led Zeppelin VI, Michael Jackson had Thriller, and Pink Floyd was one of the few bands that managed to do it twice, with Dark Side of the Moon and later, The Wall […]
[audio:http://silencenogood.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/10-Redeemed.mp3|titles=DJ Shadow-Redeemed]GRiZ gets groovy bass in this Kanye “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” remix. Even better, we get more of a taste from his superb sax playin. I think I’ve overstated how much I love a little brass in my electronic. Only real issue I have with this some of the high squealin dubstep, though I don’t know how I’d make it much better.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/29212740" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]Anything with Earth, Wind & Fire stamped on it is an automatic listen for me. And, although One Love’s take on this doesn’t shy too far away from the original, it’s still got a healthy, new kick to it while still having that Earth, Wind & Fire pizzaz that we all love so much.
[audio:September-One-Love.mp3|titles=September (One Love Bootleg)]Coyote Kisses is back at it with an ode to Bach. “Conscious Pilot” screams electro, chompin up and spitting out some classic Johann Sebastian. This is the first of four tracks to be released “soon,” and damn am I just glad to hear from these two. It’s been too long *tear*.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/29219205" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]A classic rap track remixed to a funkedout, neo-soulful vibe – yea I got this. Wish the raps were beefed up in quality a lil, but then again it just wouldn’t bring it back like it does if it did. This shit is smooth all the way through.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28856285" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]The Prototypes take a decent D’n’B track with one slick singer and remixes it into one harmonious melody. I was actually just talking to a friend of mine about how dubstep and drum & bass are really lackin on melodies. Well, The Prototypes remix of Friction’s “Someone” ain’t lackin in no way.
[audio:Someone-Prototypes.mp3|titles=Someone (The Prototypes Remix)]“Nobody” by Notes to Self features some soulfullish samples and the one & only Evidence, but the real goodness starts up half way through with electro grimes that take NTS & Evidence to a whole new level.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28265824" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]