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¡Mayday! by ¡MAYDAY!

A holiday from horrible hip-hop.

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A couple months back I was searching through a bunch of, well… shit when I found this gem. From the first song I could tell I was hooked. With their hard-hitting sound, Mayday really pulls off a distinct hip-hop flavor.

Mission Statement: Never has a hip-hop album got it so right on the first track (I over embellish at times). From the first note it grabs your attention and pulls you in. It incorporate some unique instrumentals; but what sets Mayday apart is their ability to flow without missing a beat. This is why I love Mission Statement so much!… along with Macro/Micro… and really most of their songs. :)

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[audio:MissionStatement.mp3,4X4.mp3,GroundhogDay.mp3,MacroMicro.mp3|titles=Mission Statement,4X4,GroundhogDay,Macro/Micro]

Journey to the Planet of Birds by DJ Frane (Album)

or Beats to Blaze to Volume 3

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With the release of his final installment in the “beats to blaze to” trilogy, Frane once again creates a beautiful masterpiece. Each track is a well-crafted composition that should definitely be blazed to!

Gravitational Communications: The journey begins with a downtempo intro, but really starts to shine with the second track, Gravitational Communications. The guitar rift is absolutely phenomenal in it! This, along with Visions of U, are the stand out tracks in the album.

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[audio:GravitationalCommunications.mp3,NectarforIsis.mp3,SpaceConvoy.mp3,VisionsofU.mp3|titles=Gravitational Communications,Nectar for Isis,Cloudy Voyage,Space Convoy,Visions of U]