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Theophilus London Live in Minneapolis

with Gigamesh, Katy Morley & Astronautalis, Greg Grease and Venus X

This Saturday I got the chance to go see Theophilus London play for the first time in Minneapolis. I don’t go to too many shows to review them, mostly because it’s far more fun to watch the crowds and also because I tend to drink, which usually leads me down a path to no good.

My biggest problem with drinking is that I lose my memory, so covering the event proves difficult. I tried to hold off as much as I could for this show, but what the hell is my job there anyways …well, I guess to remember it is one thing […]

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The Fourth Annual Soundset (2011)

My love for the crowd and my criticism towards emcees

Like all festivals, events and any large gathering, the most interesting thing to watch at Soundset 2011 were the people. Ranging from the majority, punk-ass teenagers, to the older crowd with kids, Soundset grew to over 20,000 people this year.

I don’t know how many of you like to crowd watch as much as I do, but as someone trying to cover the event, most of my time was spent gazing at the mess of fans feelin the vibes off the performers: a majority of acts that many had not heard before and the headliners that brought us all together. As impressive as the headliners were this year, especially De La Soul, I wanna point something out about a few of the other acts […]

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[audio:Wanna-Be-Like-You.mp3|titles=Wanna Be Like You]