Joe Maz had me at DiscoTech, a disco duo which he was a part of, but now he’s up to some fiine solo work.
In his latest remix, Maz takes on Foster the People’s “Color On The Walls (Don’t Stop)” and electro-guitars the shit out of it, making it ever more dance worthy. This man needs to start pumpin more of these ’cause these are dance floor killers… especially in Miami (bet they do already).
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]Marley mixed into some melodic dubstep… how has this not been overdone Colatron takes Datsik’s “Havoc” & Eleven8’s “Colours of Distance” and weaves Bob Marley’s “Is This Love” lyrics right into the intricate ‘steps. I do wish the quality was a bit fuller, but this mashup matched up too nice not to tell y’all about it.
Also, make sure to check out the video down below, great visuals set to the song.
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]When I looked at U-Tern’s latest, “Da Da Daa Daa,” I thought it was going to be joke just based off the name. Well, this is no joke and “Da Da Daa Daa” is one soothing hypnotic electro piece with a bit of the dubstep thrown in ever so slightly… if you can throw in dubstep slightly. This is certainly a Tern in a different direction that I’m down for.
If you’re more of a disco chick/dude, check out his edit of Stevie Wonder’s “Do I Do.”
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]I’ll praise any masher that chooses an underground MC over any of the mainstream hip-hop that’s being overly mixed & mashed nowadays. Not only that, taking a beat from anyone other than the stereotypical EDMer is a big bonus.
In The Hood Internet’s “Shadow Cruising” mashup, it’s so good to hear Lyrics Born on a fresh beat. It makes me wonder what his new album with Lateef is going to sound like. Well, if it’s anything like this, it’ll be a welcomed change.
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]There’s something about glossy synths and hushed vocals that gets me in a way no other kind of music does. Its kind of hard to describe actually, now that I try to. The L.A.-based duo comprised of Jamie Leffler and Robert Cepeda have been releasing songs under the name DWNTWN for about a year now.
Just by scrolling through their website, one can imagine what kind of music they create. Faded photos and instagrams abound, conjuring the same kinds of memories and feelings as artists such as Washed Out and Memory Tapes aim to bring out in people.
[audio:Hungry-Hearts.mp3|titles=Hungry Hearts]Damon Albarn puts that memorable, monotone voice to good use in “DoYaThing” with backups by Andre 3000 and James Murphy on the production. As much as I love to hear Albarn’s soothing vocals, Andre 3000 was the add-on that this shit needed. I don’t know what’s the plans for the future (too lazy to Google it right now), but 3000
[audio:DoYaThing.mp3|titles=DoYaThing]“Dose of Dopeness” has been in the works since Cudi’s breakout hit, “Day N Night,” and it’s been hypin’ steadily ever since. It’s got the usual Cudder flow with a delicate beat to match up, but it doesn’t seem to have that punch to make it anything better than a few days hype.
Their new album & moniker, WZRD, will also be released next week. Should be a whole different style coming from these two.
[audio:Dose-Of-Dopeness.mp3|titles=Dose of Dopeness (Produced by Dot Da Genius)]Coyote Kisses have finally released a legit EP, titled after their “Acid Wolfpack” track, and although it’s still just a little tease, I’m happier than hell they’ve finally packed a few together.
The Acid Wolfpack EP consists of the title track, one new original and a remix of Gotye’s already classic, “Somebody That I Use to Know.” And as much as the two originals kill it, especially “Acid Wolfpack,” people are gonna be eatin up that Gotye remix. There may be a shitload of “Somebody That I Use to Know” remixes and a shitload more to come, CK puts in that signature electro-bass that’ll get those Gotye fiends a fiending for something different.
Props to Joe & Bryce on a healthy start to an illustrious electro career.
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]Gigamesh’s remix of “Tongue Tied” is that forever loving disco that Gigamesh does best. I can’t believe how long this took for me to post, let’s just say I didn’t realize how popular the ‘mesh was, but it’s still just as Minnesota fresh.
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]I don’t think I’ve ever disliked a Raw Poetic track. This may not be surprising if you’re listening to “Streamline,” but I rarely ever like every song of someone’s. (knock on wood)
For “Streamline,” Damu & Raw P team up to dish out some fine jazz rap. Weren’t these two suppose to be working on something else… ah yea, that new Panacea album. Well, I don’t know if Damu’s in on that, but I can already tell this is going to be a very Raw Poetic year.
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]