I am absolutely falling for Mt. Wolf. Ever since I heard Kate Sproule’s voice in a Catching Flies remix of ‘Life Size Ghosts,’ I knew she’d fit right into my roster of female vocalists to watch. But Mt. Wolf doesn’t just carry a good singer, the instrumentals on their recent Hypolight EP are beautifully dark & enchanting. And damn does Kate’s poignant words carry in the chorus. Really etches her lines into my head all.damn.day <3
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/82744010" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Where a good chunk of songs suck because of their repetitiveness, ‘When I See You’ glorifies it. These vocals are so well cut they put me in a state every time I hear them. I wonder what she’s saying. Does it really matter
Check out ‘Cherry Blossom,’ as well, for another blissful minute.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/70405006" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]When this Janet remix first starts off, her voice slowed with that high hat clap, or whatever you wanna call it, sounded a bit too basic to be honest. Once you get into its real funk, however, it stays funky ’til the end. You wouldn’t have gotten away with this kind of soul even a few years back. But it’s flooding the waves, especially here. It’s a strange kind of soul, to say the least, but it’s easy to get caught up in the madness if you sit back, relax & just take it all in.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/87144656" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Let me explain…
I’ve been criticizing white boy & UK rap ever since I first laid my ears on it and now I just so happen to be featuring a rapper that highlights both. The world is a changin’ and so am I. REECE may be the definition of what I don’t look for in a rap artist, but I still can’t deny the qualities of his latest single.
‘In the Morning’ is first and foremost a well produced track with one catchy-ass chorus. And unlike the rap I’m most apathetic towards, REECE takes his words and blends them into the beat, rather than just rapping to one rhythm. As far as actual lyrics go, I’m never one to judge people’s words too much, but let’s just say this is geared more towards the pop scene. Still, something different than the usual ’round here.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/80810198" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]I wasn’t quite up for another Tribe remix, I’ve just heard too many mediocre mixes, but Bit Funk provides one full flushed take. This ‘1nce Again’ remix turns up the tempo with a harsher kick that’s surely 2013 full & fresh.
edit: I dunno if I’m feelin’ that piano tempo. Little too harsh too.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/81088533" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Every time I hear this start off it instantly reminds me of Solange’s Losing You, it’s that rhythm or somethin’. Classixx also enrolled some brand spankin fresh vocals for ‘Holding On,’ one’s I can’t find credited anywhere… (disappointing) Besides that, this is a clear cut classic, as Classixx tends to always push out.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/78934691" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]D.veloped went up and remixed Norman Greenbaum’s classic of rock classics, ‘Spirit in the Sky,’ with a Pretty Lights like, electro-funk sound. It’s a well polished electro tribute and The Hendrix & Stones sampling is a nice touch. Good step in the right direction, D.veloped.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/82804317" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Night Panther’s ‘Fire’ strangely reminds me of a few different random-ass things. For the first few bars when the vocals kick in, the song slightly reminds me of Home Alone and the nostalgic flashbacks of Kevin preparing for his prankster ways on Marv & Harry (told you it was random). Then it goes on to sounding like a Starfucker bonanza at around 2 minutes past with electro sounds a-blazin’. It finally closes out by returning to that signature Night Panther falsetto with crisp bars of brass behind it, like always (or one other time).
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/74272012" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]So Prince & his newly formed band with the girls of 3rd Eye Girl have revived ‘Lets Go Crazy’ for 2013. This thing is an electro rock, bluesy bass beast, and more than anything it’s just nice to see Prince perform something so fresh. I’ve seen too much negative publicity around his dislike for remix & covers, so this is a nice turn around, though I’m sure there’s more to the story & this bad ass remake than we know right now. Still. Today, is a good day for music.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/86123886" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Alright, this shit is just getting too damn sexy. If you knew me in “real” life, you’d know this is just way too sexy for me. I’m in fact the polar opposite of how sexy this is (I’m workin on it). Anyways. These Russian fucks going by 5 Reasons make some soulful shit that, again, is just too sexy for me (I can’t highlight this enough). However, most of the soul in this actually hails from good ol’ Nashville, Tennessee. Patrick Baker has some fuckin charm in his vocals and 5 Reasons adds just the right touch to it. So Sexy.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/86067436" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]