I don’t know where Luminaire gets vocals like these, but I feel damn near honored to listen to ’em. Let’s just say if they’re in-house, I’ll go out and make a freakin’ label centered right around it (I’ll do it!).
Like my previous love of theirs, “Missing You” captures the energy of the 70’s and hurls it right in my millennium riddled ears. But the best part is that catchy 4-line chorus – if there were any more words, it would do this song injustice.
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/144546067" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]One of my top mashers is on it again with a bass buzzin round with a few popstars and one classic mixed & mashed in. What separates Ellipsis from the mass of mashers is his unconventional samples and his talent in chopping ’em all up, like a boss. Most who’d try to pull this off wouldn’t cut it like Ellipsis, shit just flows oh so well.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/43169879" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]This is one bad bitch from Toronto, but let’s hope her persona doesn’t get the best of her. I’ve seen too many talents care more about how they come off than what they’re pushing out musically and Tasha seems like the stereotypical candidate.
But until that happens, Tasha the Amazon brings us one chill flow that most female MC’s can’t quite pull off. Her latest track, “Let It Go,” sports production from Bass & Bakery, which I believe she is a part of, but either way, she twirls that sassy voice around it like a charm.
Toronto is a clear hotspot for up-n-coming artists and Tasha, supported by the right people, is destined to be a crowd pusher in that community.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/42686972" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]The M Machine’s new album (or half of an album), Metropolis Pt. 1, has been my most anticipated of the year so far. We finally get to hear what the group is all about. I wouldn’t know how to describe the music at first listen – it’s a mix of electro, rock, synth-pop, industrial, and a unique brand of hushed vocals with brooding synths.
If you had asked me yesterday who my favorite founding member of OWSLA was (next to Skrilly), I would’ve said Porter Robinson. Not so anymore. I’ve only included my favorite track, ‘Immigrants,’ from the first half of the album here. If you like what you hear, please go buy Metropolis Pt. 1, so that these guys can continue making good music.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/44169258" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]If I had to pick one kind of music to listen to for the rest of my life, it would be, without a doubt, post-punk/post-rock. The Naked and Famous are almost the embodiment of this type of music. It has all the wonderful teen angst of the punk world, without the studs on black cloth pants and skinny kids vomiting on the sidewalk, fused with almost shoegaze-esque haze and shimmer.
In keeping with his new trend of putting out a track every couple weeks, Tiesto teamed up with his young friend, Hardwell, for a techno/trance version of The Naked and Famous hit, ‘Young Blood.’ They decided to play down the angst and bring the shimmer through in the mix. While this remix may not be a dance floor banger, it’s certainly nice to bob one’s head to.
[audio:http://silencenogood.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/The-Naked-And-The-Famous-Young-Blood-Tiesto-Hardwell-Remix.mp3|titles=Young Blood (Tiesto & Hardwell Remix)]After this & Coyote Kisses remix of Perry, I really can’t say I dislike her voice all that much, although her persona is a whole ‘nother story. I guess these electro, dubstep remixes bring out the beauty in her voice and leave all the other shit to the wayside.
No Pets’ remix of “Part of Me” may not beat out the Coyote Kisses remix quite yet, but it’s still some healthy electro-dubstep that doesn’t over accentuate the drops and leaves the smooth bass to speak for itself. Now that I gotta stop hatin on Perry so much, I wonder if these dubsteppers will start remixing Ke$ha to my liking… nah.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/44030456" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]The Knocks had one dance floor killer with ‘Brightside,’ but now DiscoTech remixes it to an even grander disco dancin’ level. Make sure to also check out the ‘Brightside’ music video, it’s as cheesy as it is sick.as.fuck. (so super cheesy)
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/43889819" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]The 1st edition of A Stoner’s Guide on Beats to Blaze to, featuring mostly hip hop, was a major failure, so I thought fuck the second edition… well, up until StumbleUpon got a hold of it about six months back. Apparently, there’s a whole lotta stoners on StumbleUpon because the traffic from there has been majority flowing in since.
So in tribute, I decided to start it back up and go from a hip-hop theme to an even trippier one. Now, all of these aren’t technically “trip hop” tracks, but they’re somewhere in that mix. So check out a handful of my finest, awe-inspiring electronica to smoke out to. I’ll also include a few albums from various genres if we get enough traction (ie. you share it with yo friends).
[audio:Nectar-For-Isis.mp3|titles=Nectar For Isis]VICEROOOOY, my favorite nudisco remixer is back at it with a poptastic remake of St. Lucia’s “Closer Than This.” And as much as I’ll be blasting it for days, I can’t wait to see more originals from this dude, he’s got the talent and has already proved it.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/43289696" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]DJ 21azy throws us four new mashups in his Sleeping Through Sunday EP, which features a few of hip-hop’s (somewhat) recent top acts. The mashups are something different, bringing these MC’s into a few new styles, but only half really catch my ear. But make sure to check out the whole EP and see for yourself.
[audio:Cudder-One-Down.mp3|titles=A Cudder One Down (DJ 21azy Mashup)]