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Na Noite Se Resolve by DJ Soul Slinger

A good song for a great cause.

What initially caught my interest about this album was its purpose. Ecosystem is a 4 day festival in the Amazon, which is trying to raise awareness of the many threats the Brazilian rain forests are facing. The album is a mix of native roots and urban jungle beats by a compilation of artists from the festival. All of the proceeds from the album go to the Ecosystem foundation, so purchase this to invest in a better future :).

There’s not much to say about the song featured (that hasn’t been said) other than that it’s goood (with three o’s)… thought provoking, I know. The song incorporates vocal percussion, and a mix of natural sounds by both DJ Soul Slinger & Bid. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts about the track!

Also, subscribe to my Facebook Page because I’m in the cheap promotion tools mood ;)

[audio:NaNoiteSeResolve.mp3|titles=Na Noite Se Resolve]
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Artist Information:
Genre: Electronica, Drum & Bass
Birth Name: Carlos Slinger
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Label: Liquid Sky Music
Additional Album: Don’t Believe | Abducted Remixes | United DJs of America, Vol. 14: DJ Soul Slinger | […]
Similar Artists: DJ Frane
Links: MySpace | Liquid Sky | | iLike | YouTube | AllMusic | Y! Music

Track Information:
Album: Ecosystem: The Brazilian Joint
Release Date: May 20, 2003
Featuring: Eduardo Bidlowski (Bid)
Buy Links: Amazon | iTunes