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SoundKlout 19 : Budo

Budo Beats the Beat

I was introduced to Budo from his collaborations with Grieves. The two have been makin some bangin work over at Rhymesayers for the past few years. When I first hit up his SoundCloud page, I realized it didn’t include much of what the two have done, but includes some of his other work, namely A.R.M. And, although, A.R.M. and some of his side work are worth checking out, Budo, like every other damn hip-hop artist on SC, needs to get more of their work up on there… please :)

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[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]

SoundKlout 12 : Rhymesayers Entertainment

The Twin Cities, the next stop in Hip-Hop.

This is our first label in the Soundklout series. The biggest reason I chose them first is because there are slim pickings when it comes to hip-hop on SoundCloud – I’m trying to recruit more.

Rhymesayers is a collective of hip-hop acts from all over the U.S., but is based out of Minneapolis, MN. I was originally going to show a few tracks from their most notable act, Atmosphere, but thought there’s a lot more to Rhymesayers than just that. However, if you don’t know Atmo, get to, they maybe overrated compared to the rest of Rhymesayers, but they’re underrated compared to the rest of rap.

What these Rhymsayers have to say »

[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]

Grieves · On the Rocks

"Sick a tryin' to strum a long with your love song."

Just picked up Grieves’ new album, Together/Apart. Until I get through it a few times, take a look at this music video for “On the Rocks”. Love what Grieves does with his vocals, it’s refreshing to hear among the hip-hop I gotta tread through each day.

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[audio:On-The-Rocks.mp3|titles=On the Rocks]

Grieves & Budo – Pack It Up

A bad Valentines gone good

I’m a little late on this Vday gift from Grieves & Budo, my own eat up all the time I had on the 14th, but I had to give ’em due credit.

“Pack It Up” is a soulful take on the duds we face on our quest for that “paper heart”. Check out the vid, it’s a good visual of Grieve’s lament.

Their LP, Together/Apart, should be dropping sometime this summer.

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[audio:Pack-It-Up.mp3|titles=Pack It Up]