This is such a powerful song, but first I need to get to more pressing matters on my mind. The lone trumpet or brass instrument playing throughout Joywave’s ‘Dying Well’ sure as hell reminded me of Homeland’s opening credits – well, up until I rewatched them. It may not remind me of the credits anymore, but there’s gotta be something Homelandish about that damn thing — thoughts?
Now back to the actual song, ‘Dying Well’ has one sensual lead vocals that carry well with none other than that lonely brasstrument (hate that thing). This whole piece carries pretty damn well in fact, yet unfortunately the rest of Joywave’s 88888 mixtape does not. I didn’t find anything else on there that stuck in my head quite like ‘Dying Well.’ I may not understand all the lyrics in it yet, but I get the message clear.
Thanks to confusion of Pigeons & Planes for this. Check out his look at the full 88888 mixtape.
Location: Rochester, New York
Members: Daniel Armbruster, Sean Donnelly, Paul Brenner, Joey Morinelli, Travis Johansen, Andrew Dillon York
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