Here’s a collection of my favorite love songs. The first four were really the driving force to make this list, but every one of ’em is sexy as hell. The list ranges from contemporary R&B to classic rock to trip-hop instrumentals and everything in-between. Although, all of them won’t be appreciated by everyone, I guarantee you’ll each find a gem of your own.
If I get enough response out of this, I’ll make up more of these love makin’ lists – there were many I couldn’t include due to lack of time. So tell me your favorites and what you want to be included on the next list, so we can find more love makin music together.
Lastly, this may not be a comprehensive list, but forget about what it doesn’t have and get into what it does. Thanks to all who helped with this!
[audio:What-You-Need.mp3,The-Gaudy-Side-of-Town.mp3,Velocity-of-Love.mp3,Choosey-Lover.mp3,Gravitational-Communications.mp3,Stroker-Ace.mp3,Venus.mp3,She-Said.mp3,Old-Fashioned.mp3,How-Deep-Is-Your-Love.mp3,Roslyn.mp3,And-I-Love-Her.mp3,Baby-I-Love-Your-Way.mp3,Let-Me-Be-The-One-You-Need.mp3|titles=What You Need,The Gaudy Side of Town,Velocity of Love,Choosey Lover,Gravitational Communication,Stroker Ace,Venus,She Said,Old Fashioned,How Deep Is Your Love,Roslyn,And I Love Her,Baby I Love Your Way,Let Me Be The One You Need]I decided for this very special occasion that I’d feature some of my favorite beats to blaze to. First I’ll start out with my “Top 10 Hip-Hop Songs to Blaze to” and then I’ll move on to a few good albums.
Now, the original list featured over 40 songs and included genres other than hip hop, but I decided to cut it down to a top ten hip-hop list for now. If y’all like it then i’ll post some other genres to blaze to. I also included a few of the best albums to blaze to, which are a must see.
So sit back, relax and enjoy.
View Full Article (Goes into more detail about the songs/albums featured)
[audio:Ecstasy.mp3,BMs.mp3,3030.mp3,Hey.mp3,TangerineSky.mp3,AllDamnDay.mp3,Blessinit.mp3,AcidRaindrops.mp3,SleepWalkers.mp3,SillyPuddy.mp3|titles=Ecstasy,BM’s,3030,Hey,Tangerine Sky,All Damn Day,Blessin’ it (Remix),Acid Raindrops,Sleep Walkers,Silly Puddy](Download Links in Full Article)
So, I decided to introduce another series onto the site. The first one was the Know Good Classics series, so check that out if you haven’t. This series, Some Cool Ass Ringtones, is pretty self explanatory. I get the ringtones usually from my favorite hip-hop or electronic beats. I might also pull them off of some classic tunes, so look out for those as well.
The first set I bring to you is from my absolute favorite trip hop artist, DJ Frane. Goddamn, does this guy have talent! I have never seen so many rich & intricate beats from an artist. All of the ringtones featured come from his third full-length album, Journey to the Planet of Birds. Right now, I have Cloudy Voyage as my ringtone. Like I said in my article about his album, he is a major reason for the creation of this blog.
(Learn how to transfer ringtones to your iPhone in the Full Article)
[audio:Ringtone-NectarforIsis.mp3,,,,|titles=Nectar for Isis,Space Convoy,Cloudy Voyage,If I Had Wings,Gravitational Communications](Download Ringtones in Full Article)