A few years back, a respected blogger of mine told me that if you don’t have anything to say about a song, it’s not worth posting. But for me, sometimes the music is all I have to say. I can usually wrap a story around a song or at least put some entertainment with it, but sometimes I haven’t had enough time with the music and it’s just too hot to sit on.
Well, I’ve been sitting on Madeaux’s EP for far too long now. The first two tracks are especially worth looking into, with Madeaux’s usual piano playing in full melodic dress. See, not all that much to say, but if you take a look at the two you’ll understand why I couldn’t wait any longer.
Styles: Chopped & Screwed Electro Soul
Location: Boston, Miami, LA
Madeaux on: SoundCloud | Facebook | YouTube | Tumblr | Twitter
“underwater pop music”