Love when mashers take 2 vocals and substitute the words for one another. Ya know, like when someone finishes your…
The two sexay bitches known as The Jane Doze have done just that and have taken two of the most memorable vocals of 2011 and thrown it into one hell of a Houser. I do wish they would’ve kept up the momentum a little longer and maybe put in a few other likeminded samples, maybe “Somebody to Love” by Queen near the end – though, that may not have fit the overall theme.
Mucho love for these two, we don’t hear enough lady mashers on here!
Jane Doze · Kids, Set Fire To Someone That I Used To Know (Gotye x Adele x Sebastian Ingrosso)
The Jane Doze
Styles: Electronic, Hip-Hop, Pop
Location: New York, New York
Members: Claire & Jen
The Jane Doze on: Facebook | Tumblr | YouTube | SoundCloud