Whats up with electro producers throwin in so many sax solos nowadays… cause I looove it. Like I’ve said time & again (it’s even getting old to me), there’s nothing that sounds better with electro music than that saxy sex (or however you say it). But unlike most electro/sax combos, this one’s fatty as f**k, in bass that is.
‘Smash the Funk’ is bass typical of that Pretty Lights sound – hip-hop sampled, electro-bass music – and it’s still mighty fresh to me… especially when you get sax involved.
MAD LIBERATION, his forthcoming album, drops Sept. 4. Gotta get it (cable tv).
Genre: Superfly, Funky, Bouncy, Bass Music
Name: Grant Kwiecinsk
Hometown: East Lansing, Michigan
Label: Daly City Records
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