We’ve all come across one of these or know someone who has, albeit under a different name – more commonly known as heartbreakers, Kenton Dunson calls them firestarters. The one’s who burn your heart and a trail of guys after you. As Kenton says, “I feel bad for the next guy.. and the next guy,” you should be cautious around these ones.
Nevertheless, they make for great song material as Kenton gracefully demonstrates over a harmonious piano and synth melody. The chorus will have you hooked from the beginning, but the verses from Kenton really make the song. The material is something we all can relate to and have experienced, which in my opinion is what makes this song so great.
BONUS track:
I would hate to have my first post on Silence Nogood lack a hot summer jam for those pool parties you’ll be enjoying this summer. Luckily, Kenton Dunson recently linked up with Boulder, Colorado’s electronic artist, Hollidayrain, to create just that, a feel good Electro-Hop jam that is absolutely perfect for this time of the year. Using one of his favorite up-and-coming artists, Mord Fustang, as inspiration, Hollidayrain created some really nice sounds and let the melodies flow into a one minute cut that he sent Kenton’s way. Kenton then molded it into one of the more unique Electro-Hop songs I’ve heard to date. Let me know the next time you hear a bassline like this on Top 40 radio. I’ll be waiting.
Kenton Dunson
Genre: Hip-hop
Origin: Savage, Maryland
Label: Independent
Kenton Dunson on: Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | Youtube