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SXSW 2016 · · Save the Austin Music Hall

And never let Bud Light back without a few other good beers on tap

The amount of music going on in a few small areas around Austin, supported by all the music tech that’s trying to help it flourish, makes SXSW the place where my two loves come together. Quite literally this year with my job and this blog. Both helped me find places to go and people to do it with, but SXSW could’ve helped a lot more.

The SXSW Go app could have better helped with both finding and keeping track of events throughout the night and day, as well as finding the people to spend it with – it’s where the future of live music is going. I did find a handful of good performances and the same amount of not so good, but mostly because of the people in Austin and their recommendations. Some seriously nice people.

Here are a few stories I had with them.

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Women Behind The Boards

for International Women's Day

I’ve never put out a playlist that I felt was incomplete, but trying to get at least an hours worth of female producers was the most difficult list I’ve ever compiled.

About four months back, I started to put together the playlist, but couldn’t get more than six or seven girls I wanted to feature. So like never before, I asked about a dozen friends in music who their favorite female producers were. Well, they had just as hard of a time.

I only managed to get twelve gals in the end, so I thought I’d open it up to a few friends and try to raise a little awareness of how female producers are really lacking. I’d say it’s the worse in any form of art, except directing film probably.

Here are eight lists consisting of over 80 female producers. If you come up with your own playlist, send it over and we’ll add it to the collection!

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SO:DF · I Do Love You (It’s Alright)

Changes key more times than we change our undies

I Do Love You (It’s Alright) reminds me of Forest Gump. It’s like three movies in one. Going from trap to soul to disco, SO:DF changes up the key more times in one song than techno has in its 30 years plus.

I gotta figure out who they sampled on here, specifically in the disco interlude. 2:37 hits on all sorts of sexy.

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