The vocals on ‘Givin It Up’ was what first caught my attention, especially the switch up half way through, but the video deserves much more praise. The lyrics like in any song are up to interpretation, but the video solidifies the story with a well-played twist.
Also, thanks goes to Lancelot for the crafty piano work. Another song to add to our playlist of 2014’s piano players (should be out soon).
[soundcloud url="" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]This is the first legitimate hip hop track I’ve posted in over a year. I think that says it all. Of course it took the best in electronic to get me there, but more MCs need to realize the production makes the rap. We may not all connect to the story, but we can with the sound & flow.
[soundcloud url="" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Forget our favorite ladies (and one dude) of 2013. 2014 is her’ and it’s already topping them all.
And only someone such as Yukimi from Little Dragon could make it so obvious. She’s got something in her voice few singers can compete with in personality & character. Not only that, but the boys behind her are giving her production, like in “Klapp Klapp,” the compliment her sound needs to stay in the spotlight where music’s progressing right now. The only ones that may be able to do them better are Disclosure. Better yet, wouldn’t that be one hell of a collaboration.
Who do you think would collab best with Little Dragon? Gorillaz is tough competition.
[soundcloud url="" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]I just caught a documentary about the good & bad of being a backup vocalist, called ’20 Feet from Stardom,’ and it made a point about what makes a song so memorable. The chorus is what people usually take home at night, bouncing around their subconscious, popping up at the most random times.
I would have mistaken Karma Kid’s ‘In My Arms’ for a pop hit because of its chorus, but the odd electro bits and trip hop samples make it more of a hit for later. I do wish I had an edit that would cut this down to the juicy parts, namely the chorus, but I’m always too impatient for the best of it. Internet generation.
[soundcloud url="" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Panda has sparked up a mix for us.. or at least inspired one. ‘Sputnik Moment’ has a few pieces with the piano that get as deep as Madeaux’s ‘Song #2‘ did almost two years back.
This is how most of our playlists come about – two songs sharing one feeling and finding all the other tracks that do the same. We’re well on our way in compiling this list, but have a tease in the meantime with Panda’s heartful piano house piece.
[soundcloud url="" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]So I’m starting to hear about all this vaporware music cropping up, but to try to describe it would never help you understand. I’d even go so far to say that without Vince Mckelvie’s 3d-rendered tropical ride, you’d never get the full effect of Years’ vaporware contribution. Gradient Forest is like a Disney ride for acid enthusiasts.
[soundcloud url="" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]I found out about ‘My Friends Never Die’ right when I was first introduced to ODESZA to their ‘Above the Middle‘ track, but damn do I wish I would have attached myself to this one sooner. ‘My Friends Never Die’ would have been a perfect addition to our Top EDM of 2013, but it will probably fit in better with our 2014 anyways. This duo has the future of electro dance down.
[soundcloud url="" iframe="false" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18" /]Looking back over this last list for 2013, I’ve realized one major flaw to it. There are no women on here. We’ve had our love for women this year, but this list contains our most obsessed about music with musicians consistently present throughout the year.
Doja Cat was our closest girl, but we only fell for one of hers. She did have a lot of other potentials that fell short because the production wasn’t to the level of that voice. Producers, this girls got talents!
London Grammar probably has the most right to be up here, but I credited their best to their collab with Disclosure and I didn’t fall for ‘Strong’ in time (wish it was still 2013). They’re also two-thirds dude, so that didn’t help them either […]
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