As this bitch of a year comes to a close, there isn’t anything better than soulful singers to give it some grace. I haven’t put together a soul singers playlist for about a year, so there’s a lot of musicians to cover (72!)
In our last Lip Service playlist, it had soul, but no women. I think it’s as important as ever to show appreciation to the women you love, and I love these musician. Or I’m sure I would if I knew them.
This one’s for the woman I do, Lizzzz.
Adele & Gambino would make for one of the most unlikely combos, but damn would it be some fresh.ass.shit. But until that never happens, we get a little collaboration project which takes the two, plus Chief Stockton rhymes, and is produced into one reflective, easy swaying piece. Can’t wait to hear what comes next with this Gangbang of a project – no doubt an interesting concept.
* Most of you probably haven’t heard of Chief Stockton before, I hadn’t, but even though The Gangbang put him in with two powerhouses, he seems to hold his own.
[soundcloud url="" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]Sam Sparro’s “Black and Gold” was the theme song of my travels throughout the UK – “Area Codes” by Ludacris was a close second (inside story). So when I heard Wale was doing a remix of the song, I had to take a listen.
At first I was skeptical of a rap artist remixing an electro-R&B song (or whatever the hell genre it is). But after listening to it a couple times, it does a good job of taking the original and carrying its own, not just simply rapping over the same beat. It may not be as good as Sam Sparro’s, but it’s still worth mention.
As for the rest of the album, it’s got some decent tracks and I’m starting to dig Wale’s flow, but none of them stood out like “The Black N Gold”. Other than the remix of “Black & Gold”, the best thing about the album was its Seinfeld samples, fucking hilarious – check out the full album to catch these.
[audio:TheBlackandGold.mp3,BlackandGold.mp3|titles=The Black N Gold,Black & Gold](Download Link in Full Article)