Dubstep remixes were dominated by b.e.a.utiful vocals this year…. Or maybe it’s just I’m obsessed with these beauts mixed with dirty, dirtay dubstep. Either way, this style has ruled SNG for the last half of the year and hope it rules for many months into next.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/24446388" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]I don’t listen to much Lily Allen music, I think we all know that mainstream music isn’t my thang, but hearing her on Oblivion’s dubstep remix of “Not Fair,” all I can think of is damn what a kinky little bitch. And there’s nothing better for a heavy dubstep remix than one kinky little bitch.
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/24255746" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]