It took me way too long to get this out, but I’m so glad to introduce you all to this ex-Glitch Mobb-er, Kraddy, if you haven’t heard him yet. He does a job at combing the glories of glitch with those bass driven hip-hop instrumentals.
Anthems of the Hero has just under a dozen fiendish tracks with melodies that’ll straight up hook ya. By far my favorite is his collab with Erica Dee in “Forbidden.” I’m actually doing a post right now on how more SoundClouders need to start collaborating, instead of sampling, and this is just about as perfect of an example as you can get. The two were made for each other (to do this song).
Name: Matthew Kratz
Hometown: New York
Location: Venice Beach, California
Member of: Glitch Mob
Labels: Alpha Pup/Minotaur, Refiner, Muti
Kraddy on: | Facebook | Twitter | SoundCloud | YouTube