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Lana Del Rey · National Anthem

She's got trouble written all over her

This girl never ceases to amaze me. This is what is lacking in pop culture and hip-hop all around. Too many vocalists & MC’s focus on what they’re saying and not how they’re saying it and don’t seem to be 100% unfiltered. Lana, on the other hand, has a cool reservation with a ray (rey) of honesty always shining through (punned it!).

In her latest leak, “National Anthem” gives spins to America’s underlining goals. Like any of the other rebelious teenagers, Del Rey points out the flaws in our system, but unlike the rest, she does it in a sexy as fuck way.

This girl was trouble in 2011 and it’s only gonna get worse/better this year.

Lana Del Rey – National Anthem
[audio:National-Anthem.mp3|titles=National Anthem]

Lana Del Rey
Genre: Hollywood Pop, Sad Core
Name: Elizabeth Grant
Born: June 21, 1986
Origin: Brooklyn, New York
Location: New York
Label: Stranger Records, Interscope
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