Easy Star All-Stars hit it big with their reggae reinterpretation of Dark Side of the Moon, aptly named Dub Side of the Moon. They’ve done a few other cover albums, but nothing has compared to Dub Side — a must listen for all you Floyd fans… or if you smoke weed. And as much as they could really never top that, they’ve done one hell of a job reggaifying Michael Jackson’s legendary album, Thriller.
Thrillah should be played fully through! And I don’t say this lightly. Most albums today (and in the past) really aren’t worth the full run through, but like Jackson’s Thriller, Thrillah is meant to be played sequentially. How Easy Star spun some of MJ’s tracks is truly impressive. However, some didn’t quite capture the mood that Thriller puts on, though I do realize the limitations when you’re covering reggae style.
Check out a few of the highlights below and pick up Easy Star’s Thrillah if you’re feelin the flow.
Easy Star All-Stars
Styles: Reggae, Dub
Hometown: Jamaica; New York, New York
Michael Goldwasser: Producer, Songwriter, Composer
Victor Axelrod (Ticklah): DJ, Producer, Mixer
Patrick Dougher: Drums, Percussion
Victor Rice: Bassist, Producers
Label: Easy Star All-Stars
Albums: Dub Side of the Moon | Radiodread | Easy Star’s Lonely Hearts Dub Band
Easy Star All-Stars: EasyStar.com | Wikipedia | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter