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Songs to see at SXSW, 2024

Estevie was the song to see

Estevie at SXSW 2024 (banner)

Forest Claudette’s song, Violence, is top of the “Songs to see at Sxsw” playlist for this year, not because it’s the best song (still up there), but it has the most important message. We cannot speak about anything until we speak on the horror of genocide and all other forms of violence. Peace is our only future.

I spend over four months digging into the thousands of artists for SXSW each year and try to get the songs down to a manageable # for a playlist. It was 134 songs this year or around 10% of the artists I went through. Wish I woulda got it down to about 5%, but I didn’t have enough time. I focus on quantity and getting through all the artists because it is the first and most important step to quality with variety, but without enough time to digest and discern all the music, quality will suffer for variety.

For the first time since first going to SXSW in 2016, I don’t think I did a better job at finding emerging musicians than the previous year. Or any of the years before it. Next year I need to focus more on the personalities behind the songs sooner, using other curators rather than digging into the raw data myself, and leaving more room for serendipity. Although I’d argue digging into all of the music beforehand is the best way to amplify serendipity.

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