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Bit Funk · Soul Satisfaction

This soul satisfaction sounds like a hit from the 40’s, albeit grossly updated. I could see kids now doin the spongebob dance to Bit Funk’s jitterbug beat. I actually just found out about this ‘new’ style of dance, but I know it’s a play off something from the 40’s. Forget the name though, anyone in the know let me know.

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2013’s Best Electronic Dance Music

EDM, it's not as fucked as you'd think.

Try not to think of EDM or electronic dance music as purely just the dubstep, deadbeat music that the mass majority like to think of it as. Dance music has been filled with electronic sounds for decades and its reach is almost all encompassing. From disco to house this music has come a long way and we’re just at the tipping point of things to come (aren’t we always).

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2013’s Best Electrosoul

Relaxing with the loved one

Electronic is overtaking the industry and has done the same on this blog more & more each year. Our list of electronic music is so massive this year we split it in two.

First up is our best electro soul of 2013 that ranges from funk & jazz to R&B & dubstep (melodic dubstep). We weren’t sure if we wanted to include the remixes from our last list, 2013’s Top Remixes, but there is just as much soul in the remixes as any of the originals. Make sure to play through all 25, it’s got a good ebb and flow to it.

Also, stay tuned for our next list in electro: electronic dance music – and not that bullshit shit.

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Route 94 · My Love feat. Jess Glynne

I may only love about a minute of this song, but I’ve been playing it not stop for the last two days. The build on ‘My Love’ lasts about 30 seconds and is an anthem in its own right, but the breakdown like Panda’s “In Your Eyes” lacks in such inspiration. The deep house interludes are just too sedating for such an upbeat vibe brought on by Jess Glynne. I need a radio edit or something.

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Phantogram · Fall In Love

Taking analogue mistakes & turning them into digital perfection

Electronic music more than ever shows us that it isn’t just about what sounds good to the ear. If you analyze every single sound in Phantogram’s ‘Fall in Love,’ you’ll miss out in the beauty of when it all comes together. Listen to her voice and let the beat fade into the background.

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Top Remixes of 2013

Reimagining the overplayed

For the last two years I’ve tried to theme our best remixes, mashups & covers of the year off other noteworthy remakes of that year. 2011 was “uninspired by Glee” (specifically it’s mashups). 2012 was a tribute to Anna Kendrick and her remixing ways in Pitch Perfect. And finally for 2013 we go with a more genuine pick. Our hat goes off to Willy Wonka and Chipotle’s remake of its most memorable tune with an accompanying video that’s just as wonderful if not more. It really puts the art in advertising this year.

For the last two years we’ve also usually had a mix of remixes, mashups and covers. However, this year the mashups have fallen to nearly nothing, but the covers have flourished. Remixes are still on top for 2013.

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