We’ve got more bass in yo face with Cleindl’s dubstep remix of “The Longest Road,” featuring the ever lovely Lissie. That wobble gives me goosebumps every time I feel it, but it might need a little clean me up from what I can tell right now. Although, I may just grow into those dirty wobbles, I’ll have to give it a while, but I’ll get back to y’all for sure (or probably won’t).
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/26642324" params="player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=292929" height="18"]Lissie is one pretty young thing (love you MJ) that packs some power. In her live performance at the Great Escape this last May, Lissie performs “Pursuit of Happiness” by KiD CuDi, or I should say outperforms. They’re only a handful of covers that I like better than the original. Along with Lissie, the instrumentals – especially Eric Sullivan’s guitar solo – make this song addicting as hell… which may, ironically, be it’s one downfall – it’s been stuck in my head for the last couple of weeks.
Make sure to check out the video of her performance in the full article. It really captures the passion she has for singing.
[audio:PursuitofHappiness.mp3|titles=Pursuit of Happiness (KiD CuDi Cover)](Download Link in Full Article)